Wednesday, July 7, 2010

iPhone 4 LED Flashlight Apps Begin To Light Up The App Store

As we reported a week ago, developers have noticed and taken advantage of the LED flash feature on the iPhone 4 to create updated flashlight apps. At the time of that post, these apps had just begun the App Store approval process, and we were unsure if they would even make it through due to the use of an undocumented API. Apparently Apple’s reviewers didn’t have a problem with it since today some of those apps officially became available to purchase and download.

A number of flashlight apps are new creations but certainly some of the originals have or will be updated to utilize the LED feature alongside the screen illumination function. Most of them released today cost $.99 but there are a couple free choices. The primary features are use of the screen or LED flash, instant on when launching the app, and an on and off switch. Remember, many of these apps require an iPhone 4.

Our original scoop mentioned iLit by Mr. Burns and Dazzling Flashlight 4g by Cramzy. iLit hasn’t quite made it through the approval process apparently, but here are a handful of others released today:

• LED-Torch
• LED Torch with Morse Code
• LED-FlashLight
• 4 Light
• iFlash4
• L.E.D Flashlight
• LED Torch Flashlight

We do plan to perform a bit more in depth research and perhaps a more detailed overview of a few of these apps in the future. Initial tests result in about 10-12% battery depletion for 30 minutes of LED use. Be sure to stay tuned for further coverage on this and other exciting apps.

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